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Black History Month: Saluting our sisters

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We welcome the UK’s Black History Month as a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to our society. The Cadence Partners team consciously dedicate ourselves to recognising and celebrating the irreplaceable contributions of Black individuals to the intricate tapestry of British history.

Embracing this year’s theme, Saluting Our Sisters, we will be shining a spotlight throughout the month on the phenomenal accomplishments of Black women who have inspired each of us personally, both on our shores and globally. 

To every Black woman in our network, and beyond, who daily showcases resilience and excellence, both in their career and personal realms, we extend a heartfelt and deeply personal salute; we see you, we honour you, and we stand alongside you.

Shani Newbold, our Managing Partner, said:

Speaking as a Black woman myself, and in my professional role leading an executive search and talent management firm, I interact daily with the narratives and pathways of numerous individuals forging their journeys through the professional world. I observe, with both professional and personal resonance, the splendid yet often unsung achievements of Black women. Their endeavours, sometimes overlooked in wider societal dialogues, rightfully demand our collective admiration and support, especially as they gracefully navigate through multifaceted barriers to achieve success and elevate in various life spheres.

Cadence Partners and I stand steadfastly committed to recognising, uplifting, and advocating for the indispensable talent found within Black women. During this month, and indeed continuously, we amplify our dedication to advocating for recognising and facilitating the ascent of Black women within the international professional domain. We are devoted to championing equitable representation and pledge to be relentless in our pursuit of dismantling barriers and cultivating environments where Black women are celebrated, enabled, and empowered to thrive.

Let this month serve as a reminder and a call to action: to honour the contributions of Black women, to amplify their voices, and to work tirelessly toward a future where their excellence is not only recognised but celebrated, every single day. Together, we stand in solidarity and commitment, now and always.